Totally normal phenomenon
This is normal op. People get their lifes together and you dont have as much time to just chill all day with friends as you used to.. Dont worry to much op. Although it wouldnt hurt sucking their cocks once in awhile tho.
You have friends?
I'm confused. I've spent enough time on this app to know usually a post like this gets all kind of "geh" or "fuck off OP suck dick" type comments but so far the comment section is rather nice and supportive.....has 9GAG really come this far?
Most people just have the bottom part of your post. Just be stoic about it, in forgetting friends who pull away from you and embrace those who stay.
People change, got different goals, when you grow older your circle gets smaller. If you really just 30yo and own a house your friends are probably jealous.
That's the circle of life
People grow apart
Friends are overrated. Become a sigma, better yourself, do what you want, and fuck what anyone else thinks except for your immediate family
Stop being a child
Thank you Just feels so weird, because i am still the same person and i think i have abandonment issues :D
@Op You've entered a new chapter in your life. I'm betting most of your friends aren't where you are right now. And that's fine. You have more 'grown up' things to worry about now and can't really just be lazy. They're still single (I'm assuming, you provided no info about them) and still want to be lazy and free. They understand you have obligations now and they really don't fit in your life anymore like they did in the past. It is sad, but I'm sure you can't find some time to invite them over to hang out.