Pro tip : send a dick pic, your intentions will be clear and you'll soon know if she's interested or not
The friendzone doesn't really exist, unless you allow it to.
Friendship is not an obstacle to having sex so that's not an excuse.
Friendzone is mostly the guys fault: Make a sexual step as early as possible and learn to live with the outcome. She fucks you or she says "Ew." If you behave as her best-friend-cuddling-bear, you will be her best-friend-cuddling-bear.
English language need a new word for showing love appreciation without sexual intention. Using "love you" is too ambiguous.
Reality is often disappointing
It's always like this because the woman is allowed to play the field, tease and be coy. Don't you women know we men easily fall for you, often without your own efforts
So this dense fuck sent me happy valentine's last valentine's.... Later me: there's no happy valentine's between friends! Needless to say I'm not in touch with her, also, she was a shitty friend and probably adhd or some stupid shit
If you don’t value friendship with a woman, you don’t deserve anything beyond that.
You can easily have sex without loving a person. Falling in love, creating a shared intimacy, a private world of trust, desire, honesty; is unique. This ‘emotional exclusivity’ is reserved for the relationship. You your partner only gets the love, affection and true intimacy. Everything else is just sex. Just sex with a good friend. Sure you can, and should build up a connection, but nothing more than a like-minded friendship. You can have a great time with them not have sex too.
How to say "I'm an incell" in four panels.
i don't see the problem.
Imagine loving someone before actually telling them u wanna fuck their ass bloody.