she was laughing at the real women ,but when she found out who she was she shut up and begin to lisening to her
I know plenty of feminists that are like this. I think you forget that media and real life are very far apart. I know very few annoying screaming feminists whilst I know many many hard working and kind women that call themselves feminists. Also, basically becoming a man in everything you do isn’t necessarily feminist, it’s kind of the opposite. If you consider only this to be feminism it means that you think that the only way for a woman to be equal is to basically behave like a dude. Doesn’t mean it can’t be a form of feminism but to see this as the only real feminism really contradict itself. But maybe that’s too difficult for you to understand.
Feminist means equal to a man with all the bad/good a man has to deal. Not more, not less and I'm cool with that. But equal!! And shame heavy lifting without excuse
OP using a fictional character again to try to over simplify a fairly nuanced real life issue. Oh No WhY dOnT ReAl PeOple AcT lIkE mY nItPicKeD FiCtIon???!
Bro you know goddamn well you’d be on the internet crying about seeing gay propaganda on TV the moment you saw her lol
Who shat in yo mind pal?
It's incredible how much more attractive they are as well.