Dude if your only argument is "tHeY HaVe No EmPaThY" you lost the discussion. Come on and propose a solution to the REAL problem people face, then ask them to vote for your party. Moralizing the winner is the most stupid thing the left came to since 20 years, and it opened the door to the far right. I voted left all my life and I am getting tired of this circus.
Keep telling white people they're racist and punishing them for being white go ahead keep it up.
Which poor? The bloodsucking worms that work without contracts, so they can get social support? Which women? I guess a female premier is not a sign of missing respect. Same as it's not disrespectful towards women to call them mother's instead of "parent 1". Which civility and which migrants? You mean the cultural enrichment? What a great Loss... Your leftard cry is beautiful.
Well firstly berlusconi got 8%, its Giorgia who got the most votes and its mainly because the people want something different
>no respect for women >literally woman becoming a prime minister...
You are forgiven for your blasphemous words. Little Silvio's mercy knows no bounds.
Notice how when a nation decides no to the new world order they are summarily called nazi and facist. I notice the ones screaming that are the ones that promote that.
The problem is the ones who didn't vote.
Emphaty for illegal immigrants devastating our country? Fuck off. Salvini and berlusconi should be banned from politics but meloni never said anything that disturbing (no, what she said about mussolini 30 years when she was 19 doesn't count). The left is so much worse in our country that I'm surprised they still got some votes (you have renzi in the meme, he shows what the left leaders are now) No civilty? Based on what? No conscience? No political party has it. Emphaty for the poor is not for you do judge tbh, especially considering how many propositions meloni did "for the poor" Disabled people have all the attention they can usually, this is not America. No respect for women? You realise Meloni will be the very first female prime minister right? You can only said that about berlusconi.
no empathy for the poor, the migrants, the disabled, no respect for women…
arent they pro Putler ?
although i hate most of these guys for not being left enough at this point even this is sounding like a good escape boat.
They dont want more immigrants. They vote the only people that promise less africans
migrants? you mean illegal swatms of rapidts? sympathy for them? gtfo here!
Because italians ARE hypocrites and idiots.
Fuck you OP! You and those dirty migrants.
Non vi va proprio giù che abbia vinto a mani basse, il popolo ha votato lei quindi lasciatela lavorare ora. Che poi cosa volevate? Di Maio? Letta? Renzi? Conte?